

Baseline Assessments

Our goal is to not only deliver visibility of IT technology across your organization, but also identify which assets are supporting your business goals and eliminate those that aren’t.


A3P's advisory services can help you gain much-needed visibility on your current technology use and spending. An A3P baseline technology assessment can help you identify areas where deficits, obsolescence, and overspending are causing inefficiencies throughout your enterprise.

Analyze and Discover

Average 21% Savings Opportunities

Are you using the right cloud, network, and business communication solutions at costs that are predictable and under control? Are there better ways of deploying technology solutions, considering how your company has grown recently? Through our Baseline Technology Assessment, A3P advisory consultants begin by taking a deep dive into what you already have, including existing technology, services, inventory, and contracts.

Our goal is to not only deliver visibility of IT technology across your organization, but also identify which assets are supporting your business goals and eliminate those that aren’t. Our experts use the insights gained from assessing your current platform to help you make strategic technology decisions about which services, carriers, and technologies to select while streamlining implementation timelines.

a woman sitting at a table with a laptop

Baseline Assessments

Know where you stand today with a comprehensive technology assessment from A3P. With our Baseline Assessment, we take a holistic approach to understanding your existing telecom and technology services while delivering an average 12.4x ROI. And as a result, you’ll have a detailed summary of findings and the visibility you need to streamline expenses and simplify management going forward.

  • We analyze all cost and utilization
  • We analyze all cost and utilization
  • We work with you to understand your business goals, drivers, and outcomes
  • We deliver a technical assessment of your telecom and communications infrastructure
  • We will show you where the most benefit can be gained with technology optimized for how your business operates
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Comprehensive Cost Audits

Our technology consulting team will conduct an extensive cost audit to help you understand the services you are getting and their associated costs. We will identify services that you shouldn’t be paying for and others that are no longer needed. This one step could trigger a large cost reduction and make a difference to your savings and bottom line.

Comprehensive Cost Audits
  • Complete inventory of all your invoices
  • Development of a comprehensive contract/service provider list
  • Consolidation of all telecom Customer Service Records (CSRs)
  • Creation of a database of devices, seats, lines, ports, trunks, and features
Optimization Recommendations
  • Custom recommendations for consolidation, correction, or elimination
  • Development of a comprehensive contract/service provider list
  • Consolidation of all telecom Customer Service Records (CSRs)
a group of people sitting around a table with laptops
a couple of men sitting in chairs with laptops

Knowing how much you spend on tech is vital to the survival and profitability of your business. Allow the A3P Savings Calculator to show you what you can save.

Contact us to begin your assessment

Let’s Get Started

What is your organization's telecommunications strategy? We'll help you make it stronger.