Business-Centric, Client-Focused

Let us know how we can help you with your existing or future projects, and one of our sales or support representatives will contact you shortly.

Our vision

Informed by decades of industry experience in both business and technology, A3P helps enterprise clients arrange and leverage communication technology to their strategic advantage. By assessing your business’s unique needs and opportunities, partnering with you in your procurement, and finding the right system for your business, A3P helps you accelerate the timeline from product to true business value. 

teammembers high-fiving at a table

About A3P

We're Partnering With Enterprise Organizations in Their Journey Towards Digital Transformation

Founded by industry-veterans, A3P is a channel partner to the world's leading communications and cloud service providers.

Our Founder

A3P was founded by industry veteran and consultant to Fortune 100 firms: Drew Piech

Drew Piech founded A3P following decades of experience helping enterprise leaders evolve their communications and IT strategies. Having implemented solutions across industries, continents, and business priorities, Drew possesses an expansive perspective not only of how to best leverage technology for business value, but how to continue shaping that vision into the future. His wealth of experience has been utilized by a range of prominent brands and organizations, including leading retail financial firms, real estate firms, retail chains, and healthcare organizations. He and his family split time between Wheaton, IL and South Florida.

Our Clients

Global Footprint

A3P services clients around the world, with particular focus on North America and Europe. Our deep expertise in international enterprises enables us to deliver streamlined solutions at the largest of scales.

Our Values

Advancing People-First Business Practices

Since our founding, A3P was conceived as an opportunity to live out deeply-held values that shape everything we do - both professionally and personally. They guide our organizational direction, shape our thinking, and direct our daily activities.


Doing what is right, even when it is unpopular, difficult, or costly.


Conducting business and leading relationships with a commitment to truth.


Upholding a posture of visibility at every stage of an engagement.


Working for the betterment of our clients, partners, and internal teams.

Let’s Get Started

What is your organization's telecommunications strategy? We'll help you make it stronger.